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Got Flab?  

Flab Abs

Get Abs!  

Fab Abs

Introducing: The first ever program that gives you the powerful, ripped and supremely conditioned abs of a gymnast.

Dear Friend,

I know what you're thinking - not another abs program promising to give you strong and functionally ripped abs. Well, you're half right. This program WILL give you the strongest abs you've ever had. But this is hardly just another program.

Let me first tell you my story and you can decide for yourself why this is THE most revolutionary program on building the most insanely strong abs ever.

My name is Andy Baran. I've been a lifelong weightlifter starting back before I was 13 years old when I bought Arnold Schwarzenegger's first book. I have always been on a quest to get strong, which I thought meant bodybuilding. I moved on to other forms of weight training like powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting in the hopes that these would get me as strong as possible.

My strength gains were okay but nothing to write home about. For the amount of time I spent in the gym my results didn't show it. To say the least, I was frustrated beyond belief. I wasn't getting strong or muscular enough fast enough.

And worse of all I continued to get flabbier and sloppier.

Getting Older and Flabbier

So much so that by the time I hit my late twenties, I was a certified blubber gut and ready for the scrap heap. Training with weights all my life I had never expected to become old and flabby before I even hit 30!

But I was.

I was beyond the point of frustration. Spinning my wheels in the gym, trying every possible weight training program out there, I was ready to throw in the towel for good and quit working out altogether.

The weightlifting didn't do much for my strength, and it did nothing to get me in shape. Coupled with my aging metabolism, I found myself packing on the pounds of pork. This would continue for over a decade until I was almost 41, as you can see in the picture to the right. →
Andy Baran Before
Andy Baran, shortly before 41st birthday - old and flabby.

A Tale of Two Twins

Compare that with my twin brother Eddie.

I had always been stronger than Eddie. We lifted weights together everyday in the gym. It was just a given that I could always outlift him. And like twins do, we both were getting a little flabby around the middle, too; we had identical spare tires.

Then Eddie made the switch to Matt Furey's Combat Conditioning and bodyweight exercises, and things started to change. I was disappointed and ashamed in him. How could he do these Richard Simmons exercises? Doesn't he know he's going to wither away and get weaker and even flabbier? He was making a grave mistake.

Eddie and I pretty much went our separate ways, not only in our training but also in our lives. I got married and he moved up to Portland. He became so enthralled with bodyweight exercises that he started studying gymnastics - at the age of 35! When he did that I knew he was a goner and he'd never come back to weights.

I'd see Eddie a couple times a year and each time he'd become leaner and stronger. Me? I continued to weight train and get fatter and sloppier. And of course I continued to get injured. Seems like I'd put out my back at least once a month. Adding insult to injury, my strength gains pretty much stopped.

Yet I continued doing what I was doing, hoping for results.

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Andy Baran Before
Andy Baran displaying his beach ball belly.
Albert Einstein once said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Nothing could define me more perfectly: I continued lifting weights hoping to get stronger and leaner but only getting fatter and weaker. It was more than insane. It was just stupid.

It would be years later when I finally had had enough of failure. My twin brother was now much stronger, fitter and leaner than I. I felt like I had wasted years of my life, in fact, over 6 years of it. I was now over 40 years old and going downhill fast. Check out the slack-jawed picture of me to the left. Not exactly the picture of perfect health and vitality, now is it?

I needed help urgently!

A Ray of Light

It would be years after Eddie started studying gymnastics that I finally asked him to help me. What I noticed was the fantastic shape he was in - strong, powerful, functional and lean. I wanted to do whatever he was doing.

Eddie not only was getting skilled as a gymnast but he also became a gymnastics coach. This meant he had extensive experience teaching himself and others to get incredibly functionally strong and conditioned.

He told me that in order to get lean and strong I had to do bodyweight exercises and start training my abs exactly like a gymnast - the athlete with the best abs in the world. I told him I had no interest in doing flips or any other skill; I just wanted lean, rock hard, super strong abs that were chiseled out of granite.

He said I didn't have to be a gymnast or want to do the sport to get abs like them; I just needed to train my abs like them.

Also, he warned me to NEVER go back to training my abs like I had before, i.e. like everyone else was doing. Well, no problem there.

Why Most Ab Training Sucks

I had always HATED training my abs. The typical ab training that everyone else is doing sucks. Here's why:
1. Typical ab training feels painful. I didn't mind a little pain but training my core was always the most unpleasant feeling. It wasn't that good feeling of muscles working hard, but rather like something wasn't working right.

2. One of the worst parts about typical ab exercises is that they're boring to do. How many reps of a typical abdominal exercise can you do before you want to kill yourself? Take the situp. I'd do 100 repetitions but what came after that? 200? 300? Is the only way to get better at an exercise to do more repetitions? If that was the case then I just couldn't see myself getting very far; adding more and more reps didn't appeal to me.

3. Worst of all, the typical ab training is ineffective. You might put up with the boredom and pain but you're still not going to get results. I know because I've been there. I did everything I was supposed to do but my abs were still fat and weak. I wasn't getting real world, functional abs.
Was training like a gymnast going to be really any different from what I was already doing?

The Strongest Abs in the World

Well, let's look at the facts. It's well known that pound-for-pound a gymnast has the strongest body in the world. And one of the reasons he has such a powerful body is because he trains his abs in a unique and spectacular way; a way that connects the rest of his body with his core so he's a strong single unit like a steel girder. He's not a bunch of muscles loosely connected together. He's like an oak tree, as opposed to a bundle of kindling. Your average Joe in the gym has a weak link and it's usually his abs.

Eddie Baran handstand
A gymnast's handstand, as demonstrated by Eddie Baran, requires intense abdominal strength to hold in a straight body position.
Simply put, strong abs = strong body.

You don't have to take my word for it. Just look at any gymnast, the strength skills he does, how he moves his body, how agile and powerful he is, and you will see that in order to do these he must have the strongest abs in the world.

Every movement a gymnast does, whether it's a basic handstand, an acrobatic flip or a strength skill like an Iron Cross, requires tremendous core strength; he could not do a thing without an extremely strong midsection.

Believe me, gymnastics is not just a bunch of short guys throwing themselves around. It's a sport that requires a tremendous amount of strength and body control, especially in the core. This is real world functional strength at its best!

Compare that with your average pumped up massive bodybuilder with the bloated gargantuan muscles; he'd break into a thousand pieces if he were to attempt even the most basic gymnastic skill. This freak might look powerful but his core is as fragile as tissue paper.

And same goes for the pretty boys who grace the popular men's fitness magazines. Those aren't REAL abs. They might look good but they won't stand up to the test of real abdominal strength.

Now I was convinced. Training my abs like a gymnast was the only way to get them as functionally strong as possible.

The Secret to Killer Abs

So what makes a gymnast's core conditioning so spectacular and effective?

Well, a number of things:
1. The Best Ab Exercises - A gymnast does the exercises that not only enable him to do incredible strength feats but also might end up saving his life. These exercises have to be good otherwise not only won't he be able to do much, he might get seriously injured, or worse.

2. The Best Training Method - It's not only the special exercises but also HOW a gymnast does them. Eddie calls this the Way of the Gymnast. A gymnast can take the most basic exercise and turn it into gold. So imagine what happens when you get a great exercise and you do it in a spectacular way!

3. Progressive Goal-oriented Training - The key to gymnastic ab training is progression. You must progress from a simple exercise to a more difficult one. With this goal-oriented training you always have a major goal you work toward with minor goals along the way. This not only ensures you progress in strength but it also keeps you motivated and enthusiastic about working out.

4. Total Body Training - When a gymnast trains his abs he's not just training his abs. He's training his entire body. The exercises you do and how you do them create a connection of all muscles in the body. Eddie has a saying, "if you're not training your entire body when you're training your abs then you're not really training your abs."

Applying the Secrets

Eddie put me on his program with these four secrets as the basis of my training. As I mentioned before I had an extremely weak midsection. When I began I couldn't do much of anything. So my ab workouts were quite short at the start.

But I was seeing results right away. I could tell my abs were getting stronger and leaner. I was progressing steadily with all the exercises. As I went through the program I found that I really liked training my core. It was actually fun to do.

And of course, as my core got stronger the rest of my body got stronger as well.

Best of all, I could do these exercises anywhere. I didn't need any equipment at all.

After a short while on the program I couldn't believe the results. I now had a six pack, something I never had before, even when I was lean. I just never had ab muscles - ever! In fact, my entire body was stronger than I could have even imagined.

Born Again at Age 41

At 41 years of age I am now in the best shape of my life! I feel like I've started it all over - and it's only going to get better from here on out.

I was so thrilled with the results that I told Eddie he's gotta share this program with others. No one trains his abs like this (other than a gymnast). He could finally put out an abs program that actually gave real results.

Eddie told me if I'd help collaborate on it he'd do it. Well, that's a no-brainer.

So Eddie and I have created a new program on building a supremely strong and powerful core; a core so strong and conditioned that your entire body will become like steel, every muscle in your body will be connected to each other making your entire body one solid piece of steel.
Andy Baran - After pic
Andy Baran, at age 41, after training his abs like a gymnast. No longer a slobby mess, but strong and lean

We call this course simply Gymnastic Abs!

Now, for the first time ever YOU can have the abs of a gymnast - the strongest abs on the planet. This information is what Eddie teaches his athletes, his clients and how he trained me. I've gone through his training and I've become an expert in abdominal training myself. And so can you!

Order NOW

Welcome to Ab School

Consider Gymnastic Abs as your enrollment in abdominal school. We'll take you step by step to earn your degree in Abdominalogy, where you will get the strongest set of abs on the planet.

Just like in school, you might have to start in kindergarten, but the coursework is planned out for you to progress on up through the grades so you can easily and quickly reach your goal: graduating with a steel core.

Training your abs is a lot like learning mathematics. In order to do high-level math like calculus, for example, you've got to start with arithmetic. Then you progress up to more difficult math, like multiplication. Eventually you get to algebra and geometry, and then finally you get to your ultimate goal, which is calculus. Perhaps you're already decent in math so you'd start in the middle of the curriculum. It all depends on the individual.

It's the same with our Gymnastic Abs course.

I can speak from experience. I pretty much had to start from the beginning and build my way up. I didn't start at the most advanced exercises, or even intermediate ones, but at the beginning. Eddie wanted to make sure I did everything right, as this is the best way to do anything.
Eddie Baran Gymnastic Abs
Eddie Baran, age 41, doing a gymnastic exercise that builds superior overall body awareness, strength, conditioning and balance.

This also made the journey that much more pleasurable. Instead of dreading doing more reps of an exercise that I've already mastered (e.g. crunches), I worked towards a big goal by doing mini-goals along the way. This is the only way to get better at something.

And just what is the curriculum for your degree in Abdominal Arts and Sciences?

We've taken the top gymnastics core conditioning exercises. You can consider these like your subjects you need to take in order to graduate. Each "subject" has a series of progressions that take you from the very basic to very advanced. Because every fitness level can be addressed, everyone is welcome to enroll in the school whether you're a complete beginner or an accomplished athlete.

Although this course is centered on your core, it is a course that builds tremendous functional strength and conditioning throughout your entire body, tying it all together with the abdominal muscles as its center.

When you follow Gymnastic Abs, you will transform your body into steel - strong, lean, powerful, resilient. It will help you with all sports and activities. Your core is your center and therefore is most important. You can't have it as a weak link in your body. Your body is protected if its center is steel. And the stronger your core, the better you become at everything.

It will carve your core, narrow your waistline, make you look better and help you lose weight.

You will build supreme body awareness, balance and physical conditioning.

It's the superior abdominal training program:
• Easy to Follow Progressions - These ensure you progress quickly and effortlessly. No gymnast starts out at the top; he's got to create a foundation and build up. That's how he can do so many amazing things. You will do the exact same thing.

• No Equipment Needed - You can do every exercise in your home, in the gym or outside. You don't even need a big exercise ball. All you need is your body and the course. Leave the rest up to us and just follow the instructions to get your killer abs.

• Quick Workouts - Each workout is short in duration. Just do it during your normal workout routine, or whenver you like. These are the most effective and time-efficient exercises out there. Gymnasts have lots of other skills to practice and need the biggest bang for their buck when it comes to conditioning. They need exercises that take the least amount of time and work the best. Not only do they depend on it to do well in the sport but also it could save their lives. Say goodbye to 2,000 rep crunch workouts.

Order NOW

If you're serious about getting strong and ripped abs, the most superior core muscles on the planet, so strong and conditioned that it will help you in all areas of life, then you MUST train them like a gymnast.

Here's what's in your Gymnastic Abs program:

1. A course manual explaining the step-by-step progressions of the exercises to guarantee you get strongest in the fastest time. If you pay close attemtion to the critical details described in the manual and follow them to the letter, you will be stunned at how effective these exercises are. The manual is also loaded with workout routines for all levels so you can put the program into practice.

2. The course also includes an instructional DVD demonstrating the exercises so you can see exactly how to do them. Your form is vital to your success. Make sure you model your technique after ours and you will be set.

3. Not only that but we're also including a workout DVD with footage of Eddie's Gymnastic Abs Workshop from a recent Matthew Furey fitness seminar where he gave attendees a sneak preview of this phenomenal program. You can follow along or just watch and learn from the expert advice. It would be an understatement to say the participants were blown away at the exercises. None of them had ever trained their abs so effectively and thoroughly ever before in their lives.

Here's what just some of the participants said about this live training:

Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant Asks "May I Have Another?"

"We were told that Eddie Baran was going to "show" us some exercises for our core. However, we were NOT doing any type of crunch, sit-up or twist, or anything else I have ever seen before. Sometimes we were pretty much just holding certain positions, positions that had us quickly shaking, sweating, breathing deeply and hoping that Eddie would let us relax SOON! What a workout! It was targeted for the midsection but my (and the others) entire body was put to the test. A superior way to tie the entire body together through the midsection. Give me more!"

Keith Hamilton
Master Gunnery Sergeant, USMC
Brownsville, TX
Keith Hamilton

Combat Conditioning Athlete of the Year Speaks (and Listens)

"Eddie Baran knows abs better than Bo knows all his stuff. I had the opportunity to train under Eddie's direct supervision at Matthew Furey's 2007 Secret of Secrets Bootcamp. Along with all the other participants Eddie put me through several ab exercises that I had never seen nor ever would have dreamed up on my own. I can attest to the effectiveness of those exercises myself as you could feel them working immediately. The next day I heard several participants talking about how sore their abs were and how knocked over they were. I too had that feeling in my muscles which confirms an effective workout. All this was just from a few minutes of guided instruction. When Eddie said he was putting out a course on the ab exercises I got very excited about it because now I can get that personal training touch any time I want. And after two sessions I know I'm going to make a big difference in my progress. This is the missing link for ab strengthening. I've been a big fan of Eddie Baran for a long time, and anyone else will be too once he instructs them. When Eddie Baran talks abs I'm listening."

Algie "Roosevelt" Roberson
2007 Combat Conditioning Athlete of the Year
Naples, FL
Algie Roberson

Hall of Fame Linebacker Blitzes His Abs

"I first learned Eddie Baran's new ab program in a personal session earlier this year. In the first minutes I was amazed at the pump certain muscles (in my core) received that I never knew existed. For the last year -- due to the extra baggage 'round the ends -- I had been searching for exercises to obliterate my love handles. And Eddie delivered several amazing ones ALL of which made the cut for my current ab routine. As a result of Eddie's ab regimen, new ab muscles are punching through the once undefined distended stomach. I highly recommend his program to anyone wanting to turn your 'Schlitz Tumor' into a six pack of carved granite. Thanks so much Eddie for this one-of-a-kind program."

Vince Palko
2 Time Hall-of-Fame Linebacker
Author, Linebacker Fitness
Sylvania, OH
Vince Palko

Man's Iron Gut Shakes and Quakes

"In February 2007, at the latest installment of Matthew Furey's Secret of Secrets Fitness Bootcamp, I had the opportunity to be drilled by Eddie Baran. I cannot remember the last time - before Eddie Baran got a hold of me - that my entire body was quaking, trembling and vibrating from an abdominal workout in such a small span of time. I along with the entire group of attendees at the seminar, sweated and grunted as Eddie demonstrated and then more or less demanded our performance of physical feats that quite honestly I was hard pressed to perform... and I've got a gut of iron! I can only imagine what an entire course is going to do for my body if that short time I committed to at the seminar revved my muscular engines so quickly. What I noticed immediately about Eddie's selection of ab exercises was that they weren't just working that small section of muscle over my intestines, but rather was including the whole body! Arms, legs, chest, lower back and of course every other muscle of the mid section. His exercise regimen helped me pin point weaknesses in my physical being, that I now know can be worked to the fullest potential with the program that Eddie has in store for us. I am awaiting another body transformation when I use his course to its fullest extent. I think Ed's new program is the Bees Knees! He puts together a fantastic product, always! Thank you Eddie Baran."

Thomas "Fierce" Brown
2007 Combat Conditioning Athlete of the Year, Runner-Up
Brick, NJ
Thomas Fierce Brown

4. As an added bonus, we're also including our Gymnastic Abs Eating Plan. You'll get the best food plan to fuel your body to build strong, lean muscle and melt that fat from your gut to reveal your new 6-pack. This is a $50 value that you get for FREE.

5. Plus, we're going to include our Gymnastic Abs Ten Commandments. These are the absolute critical rules you need to follow if you want to go to "Ab Heaven." If you break one of these laws then you're at risk of going straight to "Ab Hell." This bonus is priceless but you get it FREE with the course.

6. Special Bonus Teleseminar CD: This is a recording of a GYMNASTIC AB teleseminar Eddie and I conducted. Here I will give you my 16 Key Secrets to Ab Success. This is critical info that you need to know how I went from having a slobby gut to a strong gymnast's. We also discuss new exercises not included in the program, mental tools to ease your training and eating, as well as additional diet info that you can't do without. Not only that, but we give our 4-minute ab workout routine as well as other workout ideas that we rely on to get supremely strong abs. This CD has a value of $100.00 - but you'll get it for FREE when you order NOW.

The total amount for the entire Gymnastic Abs program - which includes the course manual, two DVD's, beginner through advanced workout programs, the eating plan, the 10 Ab Commandments plus the teleseminar CD is only $119.00 + S&H. Think about it - that's less than $0.33 a day for an entire year. Imagine that you can completely transform your body for a little over a quarter a day. It's all up to you, though.

Eddie and I want YOU to succeed and get the super strong and ripped abs you deserve, the abs that are ready to emerge from your midsection now. And we know you will. So make sure you click the order button below to get your Gymnastic Abs right NOW.

Andy Baran signature
Andy Baran

P.S. This is a REAL program for REAL men and REAL women. It was developed to work specifically for you, regardless of your level. If I can do it, YOU can do it! Unless you want to enroll in a gymnastic class and spend years getting the fine details we're presenting you, then you are out-of-luck for getting the most important ab strength training there is. This program was developed with YOU in mind, whatever fitness level you're presently at to get your abs and body into unworldly shape. Get your hands on this program NOW because time is going to pass and so is your chance for super strong abs.

P.P.S. Please note: this is not a slick, Hollywood production with fancy graphics, pretty sets and sissy music. It is real and gritty, shot exactly how we train, with nothing artificial or elaborate. If you prefer fancy instead of functional, we suggest you NOT get this program and instead rent one of the many glossy "pretty boy" ab DVD's from Netflix or Blockbuster. Our program is strictly for real men and real women who want real strength.

Order NOW

Take a look at what some of the first users of Gymnastic Abs are saying about this revolutionary program:

"Eddie and Andy,

"I have never written back after buying anyone's product. But I have to with you guys. I got your Gymnastic Abs program yesterday. Words can not express how much I loved it. The exercises are great. The DVD's are great. And, the book with pictures along with the programs are so well written and thought out. And, the price is a bargain considering what you get. It is worth every penny.

"I can take your book when I do your exercises and not only read exactly how to do the exercises, but you even have pictures to refresh my memory from your DVD to make sure my form is perfect.

"Again, I can not tell you in words what a great job you and Andy did on this project. I will be buying more from you knowing the quality and information is second to none. I did a workout Saturday night and this morning. And, yes my abs are screaming as I write this and I am starting with your 1st beginner exercises. I look forward to progressing from level 1 to level 12. You could not have put it together better with the end user in mind. You have a breakthrough success.

"I should thank Andy for showing the before and after pictures. That is a strong testimonial. I am in my 40's like Andy and really related to him.

"Thank you,"

Bill Rojas
Miami, FL

"Hey Eddie,

I bought your Gymnastic abs not long ago. I'm doing several of the exercises only three times a week and they definitely work. I'm a life-time drug free powerlifter, and I can bench 500lbs, weighing 190 lbs. Getting strong abs from doing the Gymnastic abs exercises actually help all my lifting improve, not only my benchpress! But, in addition to training with weights I find that supplementing my workouts with bodyweight exercises does work very well when it comes to increasing power.

Keep up the good work,"

Sverre Diesen
Larvik, Norway


I received the Gymnastic Abs course yesterday, watched the DVDs and skimmed through the manual last night and went to work on it this morning! It is awesome and presents some real challenges even with the seemingly simple basic steps. The thing I really appreciate is the way you explain the finer points of each exercise when performed from a gymnast's point of view. The devil really is in the details. I would recommend everyone gets a copy of this valuable course. Thanks!"

Nigel Stewart
Age 60

"One of my favorite sports to watch is gymnastics. I marvel at what these unique athletes are able to do with their bodies. While I am sure it takes balance, technique, and conditioning to perform the routines, make no mistake about it, the key attribute to their success is raw power, and that power is generated from the core. The mid-section is the facilitator for all movements. This type of power cannot be achieved with a few crunches and stomach flexes. You must adopt a gymnast's approach if want this impressive type of functional strength.

"Functional strength is term that is often over-used, however in this case it is not. With Gymnastic Abs you can actually chart your progress with the ablity to perform the movements. No rep-counting and boring, stale regimens.

"Eddie Baran TRAINS gymnasts so you can bet he knows what he is doing. This is the best core training program I have ever seen. Even at my age I am inspired to be able to perform the most difficult exercise. It may take 6 months but I am determined to do it. You will be inspired in the same manner."

Dave Copeland
Age 59
Westport, NY

"The Gymnastic Abs course is probably one of the most beneficial I've added in. It makes you work the entire body from head to toe and when he adds isometrics in it makes it all that much better. I've been using it for some time now in combination with other systems and this fits perfectly. You'll have a blast with this and trust me using the exercises in combo with other CC exercises will not only make you stronger but leaner and you'll shed more. Since I've added the exercises with other programs i've lost around 12-13 pounds of bodyweight and started showing more muscle.

"I'm very pleased and hooked. Eddie is by far one of the most revolutionary trainers today and it comes to no surprise from his Primate Power course he is a powerful man. I'm a huge fan of gymnastics and as a bodyweight culturist its awesome to do this type of training. Congrats Eddie on your success on this course. Andy, you did a hell of a job as well and I applaud you for taking your training far beyond what you have done previously, congrats to you as well. The course is awesome and I can't wait for your next project."

"Yours in Power & Might,"

Ben Bergman
Santa Cruz, CA


I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know how much I like the Gymnastic Abs DVDs. The exercises are challenging, fun, and most importantly, effective.

Thanks much!

Hakeem Ali
Chicago, IL

Hi Mr. Baran.

I recently received Gymnastic Abs, and I have to say that it's amazing. I can see a big difference in my abdominal appearance and strength.

Daniel Feldman
Bronx, NY


I recently bought your Gymnastic Abs. What a tremendous course. I am so excited about the gains I am making and the results. You guys are awesome. Gymnasts are truly the strongest athletes in the world.

Thanks again,

Tony Carlson
Chicago, IL

Great work on the Gymnastic Abs. I'm seeing the difference in 2 short weeks! I'm finding the course brilliant and it shows all the faults my own abdominal programme had. I'm using it with my personal training clients.

Many thanks,

Marc Crowley
S. Wales, UK


I'm writing about your Gymnastic Abs. What a great course! This is the best course I've seen in a long while. You and your brother Andy do a terrific job. Last night I was so excited that I spent an hour doing this material and even my traps are sore today. Awesome! It's terrific. I'm very pleased and have benefited greatly.

Thanks, Eddie, great work!

Bill Hardcastle
Brooklyn, NY

Hey Eddie,

Loving the Gymnastics Abs program so far. I've done the workout three times, and I've already noticed a difference. Getting into the shower, I was surprised to see muscle definition that I don't think I've ever had and I just feel more solid.


Peter Davis
Brookline, MA

"The biggest thing I noticed was that the Gymnastic Abs Course hit your entire body HARD! It hits abs and everything else attached. I am very glad I got the course. It showed me just how out of shape my abdominal full body is. It's very effective.

"It's like I'm not even trying and still getting into shape! I Have been doing Gymnastic Abs for several weeks now exclusively. I get a great workout in little time, get other tasks done as well and will have unreal levels of strength in the future becuase my approach is solid. Thanks for making this incredible course, it has helped me get rid of back pain and I only expect more great results from it."

Michael Goebel
Plymouth, MN

"Gymnastic Abs is a great set of exercises. I was in the doctor's office the other day, lying on the examining table gettting my heart checked. My doctor asked me how my abs got that hard. He said I've got the hardest abs of any his patients. And I'm 59 years young!"

Steve Austin
Sanford, NC

"Mr. Baran,

I am so glad I decided to purchase your Gymnastic Abs course. Physically I am very limited. I am almost 60, am on oxygen, had triple bypass surgery, a pacemaker, emphysema, a paralyzed left diaphragm, diabetes, kidney stones, had abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery six months ago, colon cancer survivor, that might be it.

"I love the course. It has been about 10 days but I am already getting firmer around the middle, even though I am only doing the easiest versions of the three most basic exercises. My overhang belly is not hanging as much, as it is shrinking.

"I enjoy doing these exercises and look forward to doing then each day. I would hate to be doing situps, crunches, etc. They are boring and you can never do enough. But the exercises in your course have worked well for me. I am not worried about how many reps or all the other things I usually think about when exercising, as I am doing just as you have told me in the program and that works.

Thank you for all your help."

Ron Watson
Birch Run, MI

I just ordered Gymnastic Abs a couple of weeks and it's simply the greatest routine I've ever done. My abs are firming up like never before and it's having wonderful knock-on effects, such as making handstand push-ups and dips easier.

Many thanks, Eddie!

Sean Ring
London, UK

Hey Eddie,

Getting your Secret Power of Handstand Training and Gymnastic Abs program were one of the best things that I ever did! I've always liked abdominal training, knowing that you need a strong core for supporting a healthy body. I have noticed a big difference in my core strength while only spending a short time on your exercises. Thank you so much for all that you promote in the way of fitness.

Tom Horn
Topeka, KS

Mr. Baran,

I'm from Korea, 25 years old and following your instruction about 'Gymnastic Abs.' First of all, I think it's really good program for great abs, more than anything I've ever seen before. And in Korea, there's no this kind of pragmatic abs training media. Actually, there are only shallow and superficial abs training garbage things around stores and TV, just for 'Good-Looks'. So, I deeply appreciate your program and your effort. If I were living in America, I'd attend your seminar.

Jae-hyun Bae
Seoul, South Korea


I purchased your Gymnastic Abs program and I love it! I believe it is the best ab workout ever, and I have tried a lot of them. I have been an athlete my whole life and have tried every workout/program out there but this is the best of them all.

Matt Harrigan
Queens, NY

Hi Eddie,

I wanted to tell you what a great program Gymnastic Abs is - I love it! Nothing has ever worked my whole midsection this well. I was already in good shape, yet this program took me to a whole new level. I am definitely recommending your excellent product and thanks to you and your bro for turning out a great product.

Ben Mclean
Clermont, FL

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